Técnicas de Capoferro

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Jaime G
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Técnicas de Capoferro

Mensaje por Jaime G » 25 Ene 2010 14:57



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Re: Técnicas de Capoferro

Mensaje por ogrote » 25 Ene 2010 16:05

En cuanto he leido Capoferro no he podido evitar acordarme del dialogo durante el duelo en el acantilado de "La princesa prometida", "The Princess Bride" (1987)... Dios mio, me parezco a Loup :o :oops:

Dejo transcripción del dialogo:

Man in black: Well, I-I certainly hope you find him someday.
Íñigo: You are ready, then?
Man in black: Whether I am or not, you've been more than fair.
Íñigo: You seem a decent fellow. I hate to kill you.
Man in black: You seem a decent fellow. I hate to die.
Íñigo: Begin.You are using Bonetti's defense against me, uh?
Man in black: I thought it fitting,considering the rocky terrain.
Íñigo: Naturally, you must expect me to attack with Capoferro
.Man in black: Naturally, but I find that Thibault cancels Capoferro, don't you?
Íñigo: Unless the enemy hasn't studied his Agrippa,which I have! [pausa]You are wonderful!
Man in black: Thank you. I've worked hard to become so.
Íñigo: I admit it, you are better than I am.
Man in black: Then why are you smiling?
Íñigo: Because I know something you don't know.
Man in black: And what is that?
Íñigo: I am not left-handed.
Man in black: You're amazing!
Íñigo: I ought to be after twenty years.
Man in black [acorralado]: There is somethingI ought to tell you.
Íñigo: Tell me.
Man in black: I'm not left-handed either.
Íñigo: Who are you?
Man in black: No one of consequence.
Íñigo: I must know.
Man in black: Get used to disappointment.[Íñigo se encoge de hombros]
Íñigo: Okay.[Continúa la lucha][ El Hombre de Negro desarma a Íñigo]
Íñigo: Kill me quickly.
Man in black: I would as soon destroy a stained-glass windowas an artist like yourself.However, since I can't have you following me either....[El Hombre de Negro golpea a Íñigo con la cazoletaen el colodrillo. Íñigo cae sin sentido]
Man in black: Please understand I hold youin the highest respect.

Que grande es el cine.

P.D.: Y lo mas importante se me olvidaba. :oops: Desde mi ignoracia de la esgrima, me han gustado los videos.
Última edición por ogrote el 26 Ene 2010 09:33, editado 1 vez en total.

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Re: Técnicas de Capoferro

Mensaje por Nocaut » 25 Ene 2010 18:13

Quote "Dios mio, me parezco a Loup"

Que más quisiera Loup, que poder postear un texto con tanto sentido marcial :silly: , una magnifica selección, una escena que siempre me pareció magnífica

Una película infantil, y me infle de llorar

